"Vor Ort vereint" - United Locally
"United Locally" brings together the Ukrainian diaspora and local residents in Schulzendorf and Eichwalde, Brandenburg. Through lectures on history, storytelling events, and workshops, the project fosters understanding, builds connections, and inspires collaborative initiatives to strengthen community ties and promote lasting cooperation.
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Makers Innovation Award Ukraine
The Makers Innovation Award (MIA) empowers the Makers Community in Ukraine to develop innovative solutions to support social cohesion and reconstruction by awarding prize money as well as tailored mentoring. Funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the project is implemented by a collaboration of Berlin-based betterplace-lab and Future Challenges.
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The Digital Human Rights Lab
With the DHRLab we implement our approach of demand-driven, sustainable and digital-first amplification of grassroots human rights organisations in Uganda. Funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) under its Digital Africa Initiative, the project is implemented by a collaboration of Berlin-based betterplace-lab and Future Challenges.
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wEye — Verified human rights video
weye empowers grassroots citizen journalists. It provides an anonymous way to upload sensitive, human-rights related content, helps to verify the legitimacy of said content and provides it for the broader journalistic community as a trusted source. Check out our info video.
Global Activist Network
Our GAN provides a grassroots perspective on abstract topics such as globalization and human rights violations. On our platform, we publish independent, user-generated content from professional bloggers and citizen journalists from all over the world.
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